andrea's profile

Name: andrea
Gender: girley goo goo
Member since: January 30, 2002
Last visit: February 29, 2004

andrea has posted 0 links and 1 comment to SportsFilter and 0 links and 0 comments to the Locker Room.

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The Biggest Sports Event of the Weekend.

Thank God for the hockey category! =) I got into hockey in a big way back in '95. Became a huge fan and went to see loads of games (LA Kings - Forum) and loved every minute of it. The TV telecasts were great as well because when I was first learning the game, the commentators helped explain the rules and what was happening. I've seen a bazillion football games and I still don't understand all the rules for that game! I think that's why hockey appeals to so many people - it's pretty easy to follow and has lots of action. As for the use of enforcers and fighting ... it's a lot like the older, bigger brother looking out for his younger sibling to ensure the school bullies don't pick on him. Watching the fights was one of the best parts of the game. And this, from someone who can't stand boxing! They're padded up pretty well, so it's almost like a friendly little scuffle; they're not really looking to hurt the other guy, just get in his face. As opposed to say if two basketball players starting wailing on each other - then you know they're really pissed. But alas, now that I live Down Under, there's no ice hockey to be found.

posted by andrea at 08:09 PM on January 31, 2002