March 28, 2004

Tigers fans are the best in baseball.: The Hanshin Tigers of Japan, anyway. Their fans choreograph cheers (complete with conductors for each section), pray together, and stretch like the players they adore so that they are limber enough to stand on seats. That is the best way to see the field and, of course, lustily support the Tigers.

posted by dusted to baseball at 09:57 PM - 1 comment

Great links, dusted, thanks. My wife's 82-year-old grandmother is a devoted Yomiuri Giants fan: she doesn't miss a game. I've always wanted to go see a game in Japan, and Hanshin's now on my list. "It is supposed to be family first and then the Tigers second," he said. "Sometimes, if the Tigers are winning, I change it and put the Tigers first." Yowza.

posted by jeffmshaw at 12:29 PM on March 29, 2004

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